
Bunnell, F. L., F. W. Hovey, R. S. McNay, and K. L. Parker. 1990. Forest cover, snow conditions, and black-tailed deer sinking depths. Can. J. Zool. 68:2403-2408.

Bunnell, F. L., K. L. Parker, R. S. McNay, and F. W. Hovey. 1990. Sinking depths of black-tailed deer in snow, and their indices. Can. J. Zool. 68: 917-922.

Bunnell, F. L., R. S. McNay, and C. C. Shank. 1985. Trees and snow: the deposition of snow on the ground – a review and quantitative synthesis. Research, Ministries of Environment and Forests. IWIFR-17. Victoria, B.C. 440 p. plus appendices.

Cichowski, D., R.S. McNay, and J.C. Ray. 2022. Caribou in northern British Columbia: An assessment of range condition and population status. WCS Canada Conservation Report #16.

Cichowski, D., G.D. Sutherland, R.S. McNay, and R. Sulyma. 2022. Direct and indirect effects of Habitat Disturbances on caribou terrestrial forage lichens in montane forests of British Columbia. Forests 2022, 13, 251.

Dickie, M., R. Serrouya, T. Avgar, P. McLoughlin, R.S. McNay, C. DeMars, S. Boutin, and A.T. Ford. 2022. Resource exploitation efficiency collapses the home range of an apex predator. Ecology (accepted, pre-publication).

Dickie, M., G. Sherman, G.D. Sutherland, R.S. McNay, M. Cody. 2022. Evaluating the impact of caribou habitat restoration on predator and prey movement. Conserv. Biol. (accepted, pre-publication).

Dickie, M., R.S. McNay, G.D. Sutherland, G. Sherman, and M. Cody. 2021. Multiple lines of evidence for predator and prey responses to caribou habitat restoration. Biol. Conserv.

Dickie, M., R.S. McNay, G.D. Sutherland, M. Cody, and T. Avgar. 2019. Corridors or Risk? Movement along, and use of, linear features vary predictably among large mammal predator and prey species. J. Animal. Ecol. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13130

Dickie, M., R. Serrouya, R.S. McNay, and S. Boutin. 2016. Faster and farther: Wolf movement on linear features and implications for hunting behaviour. J. Appl. Ecol.

Eng, M.A., R.S. McNay, D.W. Janz, L.L. Kremsater, I. MacDougall, and T. Douglas. 1992. Assessing and planning the spatial and temporal features of black-tailed deer habitat. Pages 81-111 In (J. B. Nyberg and W. B. Kessler, eds.) Proceedings of the Habitat Futures Workshop, October 16-20, Pack Experimental Forest, Eatonville, Washington. British Columbia Min. of Forests, Research. Victoria. 161pp.

Eng, M.A. and R.S. McNay. 1990. Using geographic information systems to assist with the integrated management of forestry and wildlife habitat. Pages 146-156 In (Alan Chambers, ed.) Proceedings of the Wildlife Forestry Symposium: a workshop on resource integration for wildlife and forest managers, March 7-8, Prince George, B.C. Canadian Institute of Forestry (Cariboo Section). Prince George. 10pp.

Fenger, M., G. Utzig, S. McNay, R. Holt, A. Fall and T. Douglas. 2008. A guide for incorporating environmental values into silviculture strategic planning. Prepared for the BC Ministry of Environment. Forests For Tomorrow Program. 28 p.

Lamb, C.T., R. Willson, C. Richter, N. Owens-Beek, J. Napoleon, B. Muir, R. S. McNay, E. Lavis, M. Hebblewhite, L. Giguere, T. Dokkie, S. Boutin, and A. T. Ford. 2022. Indigenous-Led Conservation: Pathways to Recovery for the Nearly Extirpated Klinse-Za Mountain Caribou. Ecological Applications e2851.

Marcot, B. G., R. S. McNay, and R. E. Page. 1988. Use of microcomputers for modeling silviculture-habitat relationships. USDA For. Serv., Pac. Northwest Res. Stn. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-228. Portland, OR. 19 p.

McCann, R.K., R.S. McNay, V. Brumovsky, I. Moss, M. Fenger, J. Voller, R. Sulyma, and M. Snively. 2011. Multi-species habitat supply in the Quesnel Timber Supply Area, British Columbia. Wildlife Infometrics Inc. Report No. 372a. Wildlife Infometrics Inc., Mackenzie, British Columbia, Canada.

McCann, R.K., R.S. McNay, V. Brumovsky, I. Moss, M. Fenger, J. Voller, R. Sulyma, and M. Snively. 2011. Multi-species habitat supply in the Quesnel Timber Supply Area, British Columbia: Large-scale maps. Wildlife Infometrics Inc. Report No. 372c. Wildlife Infometrics Inc., Mackenzie, British Columbia, Canada.

McNay, K.G., R.S. McNay, K. Sittler, and R.V. Rea. 2021. Moose use of the Mount McAllister burn in north-central BC: Influence of burn severity and soil moisture. Alces 57: 1-22.

McNay, R.S., C.T. Lamb, L. Giguere, S.H. Williams, H. Martin, G.D. Sutherland, and M. Hebblewhite. 2022. Demographic Responses of Nearly Extirpated Endangered Mountain Caribou to Recovery Action in Central British Columbia. Ecological Applications e2580.

McNay, R.S., V. Brumovsky, and B. Muir. 2014. Population and distribution objectives and identification of critical habitat for seven herds of woodland caribou in the south Peace area of British Columbia. Wildlife Infometrics Inc. Report No. 464. Wildlife Infometrics Inc., Mackenzie, British Columbia, Canada.

McNay, R.S., L. Giguere, and V.Brumovsky. 2013. Identification of designated areas for the ongoing management of Liard Plateau woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in British Columbia. Wildlife Infometrics Inc. Report No. 439. Wildlife Infometrics Inc., Mackenzie, British Columbia, Canada.

McNay, R.S. 2011. Silviculture options for use in ranges designated for the conservation of northern caribou in British Columbia. FORREX Project Report URL: Kamloops, BC. 28 p. plus appendices.

McNay, R.S., V. Brumovsky, M. Fenger, J. Voller, R. Sulyma, R.K. McCann, and M. Snively. 2011. Multi-species habitat supply in the Quesnel Timber Supply Area, British Columbia: Appendices. Wildlife Infometrics Inc. Report No. 372b. Wildlife Infometrics Inc., Mackenzie, British Columbia, Canada.

McNay, R. S., G. Sutherland, and D. Morgan. 2011. Standardized occupancy maps for selected wildlife in central British Columbia. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 12: 118-135.

McNay, R.S. 2009. Spatial and temporal patterns of predation risk on woodland caribou in the Wolverine and Chase herds, north-central British Columbia 1991 – 2006. Peace Williston Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program Report No. 323. Prince George, BC. 24 p.

McNay, S., D. Heard, R. Sulyma, and R. Ellis. 2008. A recovery action plan for northern caribou herds in north-central British Columbia. Forrex Forest Research Extension Partnership, Kamloops, B.C. Forrex Series 22. url:

McNay, R. S.R. SulymaJ. Voller, and V. Brumovsky. 2008. Potential implications of beetle-related timber salvage on the integrity of caribou winter range. In Mountain Pine Beetle: From Lessons Learned to Community-based Solutions Conference Proceedings, June 10-11, 2008. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 9(3): 121-126.

McNay, R. S., B. G. Marcot, V. Brumovsky, and R. Ellis. 2006. A Bayesian approach to evaluating habitat for caribou in north-central British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 36: 3117-3133.

McNay, R. S. and J. M. Voller. 1995. Mortality causes and survival estimates for adult female, Columbian black-tailed deer. J. Wildl. Mange. 59:138-146.

McNay, R. S. and F. L. Bunnell. 1994. Behavioural limits to movement: the effect on habitat choices for Columbian black-tailed deer. Trans. Congr. Int. Union Game Biol. 21(2):295-303.

McNay, R. S., J. A. Morgan, and F. L. Bunnell. 1994. Characterizing independence of observations in movements of Columbian black-tailed deer. J. Wildl. Mange. 58:422-429.

McNay, R. S., L. D. Peterson, and J. B. Nyberg. 1988. The influence of forest stand characteristics on snow interception in the coastal forests of British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 18: 566-573.

McNay, R.S. 1985. Forest crowns, snow interception and management of black-tailed deer winter habitat. Research, Ministries of Environment and Forests. IWIFR-19. Victoria, B.C. 96 p. plus appendices.

McNay, R. S. and R. Davies. 1985. Interactions between black-tailed deer and intensive forest management: problem analysis. Research, Ministries of Environment and Forests. IWIFR-22. Victoria, B.C. 105 p. plus appendices.

Morgan, D. G., M. A. Eng, R. E. Page, and R. S. McNay. 1997. An object oriented decision support system for black-tailed deer on Vancouver Island. Pages 31-37 In (Ian D. Thompson, Compiler) Proceedings of a symposium: The status of forestry/wildlife decision support systems in Canada, 1994, Toronto, ON. Natural Resources Canada. Sault Ste. Marie. 7pp.

Morgan, D. G., R. E. Page, M. A. Eng, and R. S. McNay. 1994. Deer habitat in a visualized programming environment. Trans. Congr. Int. Union Game Biol. 21(1):357-363.

Nyberg, J. B., B. G. Marcot, and R. Sulyma. 2006. Using Bayesian belief networks in adaptive management. Can. J. For. Res. 36: 3104-3116.

Nyberg, J. B., R. S. McNay, M. D. Kirchhoff, R. D. Forbes, F. L. Bunnell, and E. L. Richardson. 1989. Integrated management of timber of deer: coastal forests of British Columbia and Alaska. USDA For. Serv., Pac. Northwest Res. Stn. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-226. Portland, OR. 22 p. plus appendices.

Perera, A. H., C. A. Drew, and C. J. Johnson (eds.). R.S. McNay (contributor). 2011. Expert knowledge and its application in landscape ecology – Chapter 7: An expert-based modeling approach to inform strategic and operational land management decisions for the recovery of woodland caribou. Springer Science and Business Media. New York, NY. 35 p.

Sittler, K.L. and R.S. McNay. 2017. Conservation of Caribou in the Scott West Herd Area: Year 3 Final Report. Wildlife Infometrics Inc. Report No. 572. Wildlife Infometrics Inc., Mackenzie, British Columbia, Canada.

Sittler, K.S., R.S. McNay. and L. Giguere 2015. Herd Boundary Refinement for the Chase, Spatsizi, and Frog Caribou Herds in North-central British Columbia: Final Report 2012-2015 – HCTF Project #7-394. Wildlife Infometrics Inc. Report No. 499. Wildlife Infometrics Inc., Mackenzie, British Columbia, Canada.

Serrouya, R., S. Gilbert, R.S. McNay, B. McLellan, D. Heard, D. Seip, and S. Boutin. 2016. Comparing population growth rates between census and recruitment-mortality models. J. Wildl. Manage. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21185

Sulyma, R. S. and D. S. Coxson. 2001. Microsite displacement of terrestrial lichens by feather moss mats in late seral pine-lichen woodlands of north-central British Columbia. The Bryologist. 104(4):505-516.

Sutherland D.G., R.S. McNay, and R. Serrouya. 2016. Feasibility of Some Direct Management Options to Recover Populations of Boreal Caribou: Preliminary Guidelines for Planning. Wildlife Infometrics Inc. Report No. 560. Wildlife Infometrics Inc., Mackenzie, British Columbia, Canada.

Voller, J. and R.S. McNay. 2007. Problem analysis: Effects of invasive species on species at risk in British Columbia. Forrex Forest Research Extension Partnership, Kamloops, B.C. Forrex Series 20.

Woods, A.D. and R.S. McNay. 2017. Prescribed burns to enhance ungulate habitat N. Central BC. Wildlife Infometrics Inc. Report No. 578a. Wildlife Infometrics Inc., Mackenzie, British Columbia, Canada.

Woods, A.D. and R.S. McNay. 2017. Prescribed burns to enhance ungulate habitat in the Ospika Area. Wildlife Infometrics Inc. Report No. 578b. Wildlife Infometrics Inc., Mackenzie, British Columbia, Canada.